Although I use computer-based ham radio logging programs, I still like to have a paper log with me. Sometimes when portable, I do not have my computer with me.
I have put together a format that works for me. You can download the .xls file below and customize it how ever you would like.

I put my call sign on the bottom center. This is helpful if you are operating under a club call sign or a slant call sign. This will help you remember who you should be that day. I also list my grid square, CQ zone, and ITU zone should you get asked. These are probably things you already know, but it can be helpful if you change locations.
Most of the custom data is in the header/footer of the file.
I also include a area to record what equipment you are using.
The “Logged” column is so that I can remember to record it in my electronic log when I return to a computer. When I am working someone difficult, I will put a circle in that column. I may go try to work someone else and then use the frequency information I record on the line to come back to this person later. Once I complete the contact, I will put an X through the circle to show that it was a successful contact.
I use the “Monaco” font for my call sign as it is a font that supports a slashed zero.
Log book template plz.
Thank you!