Below are two great examples of why grounding, draining static, and disconnecting our antennas from our rigs when not in use are SO important!
In both videos, we can see the end of the coax arcing between the center conductor and the shield. Electrical energy in the air and/or the wind can contribute to a buildup of static on the driven element of the antenna that can flow back through the cable until it can find a place to jump to ground.
This is a great reason to make sure that your antennas are removed from your rig when not in use.
I use the Palomar Engineers Maxi-Choker with the static bleeder option on my outdoor antennas. In addition to providing 30db of common-mode noise reduction, the static bleeder option will dump any static building out the ground stud. I place this filter at the feed point of my antenna and attach the ground stud to an 8-foot ground rod.